Reference documentation for Etcha’s CLI


Arguments must be entered before commands.

-c [path]

Path to the JSON/Jsonnet configuration file.

-f [format]

Set log format (human, kv, raw, default: human).

-l [level]

Set minimum log level (none, debug, info, error, default: info).


Disable colored log output.


Disable paging via less.

-x [key=value]

Set config key=value (can be provided multiple times)


Etcha comes with a list of default Commands, but you can add custom Commands using Macros–Command templates that live within the Etcha configuration.

Commands also support partial matching. Etcha will attempt to match a partial CLI command (like cfg) to the longest matching command or macro (in this instance, config).


Adds autocomplete for Etcha commands into your terminal:

$ source <(etcha autocomplete)


Import Pattern Jsonnet files from path, execute build Commands, sign a JWT, and output the JWT to the destination path.


Compare two JWTs to see if they have the same etchaBuildManfiest, etchaPattern, and etchaVersion (can optionally ignore version mismatch).


Show the rendered config from all sources (file, environment variables, and command line arguments).


Copy a local file or HTTP path to a destination path. Utilizes the same function as Jsonnet getFile and can set HTTP headers in the source path using #.


Manages a directory on the local machine using check/change/remove. Can optionally set permissions, owner, or group, otherwise permissions will be 0755 and the user and group will be inherited from the current user.


Open a web browser to the documentation website (this website).


View the Etcha End User License Agreement (EULA).


Manages a file on the local machine using check/change/remove. Can optionally provide contents directly or via stdin, or set permissions, owner, or group, otherwise permissions will be 0644 and the user and group will be inherited from the current user.


Generate cryptographic keys for use with signing and encryption. The keys will be output as JSON:

  "privateKey": <private key>,
  "publicKey": <public key>,

See Cryptography for more details around key formats and usage guides.


Create folders, files, and libraries for developing Patterns. Subsequent runs of init will only update the files under lib/etcha. See libraries for documentation on the modules created by init.


Query JSON from stdin using jq. Supports standard JQ filters, and the -r flag to render raw values.


Show the contents of a JWT. Will also report any verification errors.


Manage a line in a file or in text on the local machine from stdin using check/change. Match is the regexp of the line to match, and the replacement text that will be set for the line. If the line does not exist, it will be appended to the end of the file. Replacement text can use capture groups from within the regexp, such as ${1}.

Manage a symlink on the local machinge using check/change.


Lint all .jsonnet and .libsonnet files in the path, checking the syntax and optionally the formatting of the files. Can also use external linters to provide more validation. See Linting Patterns for more information.


Import Pattern Jsonnet files from path, execute all Commands in the specified mode locally. Can optionally specify a Config > sources and a Parent ID to filter Commands with.


Push ad-hoc commands or a signed pattern to a remote Etcha instance. See Running Commands for more information.


Render a Pattern from JWT or Jsonnet and display the result.


Run Etcha in listening mode, periodically pulling new patterns, receiving new patterns via push, and exposing metrics. Can specify an additional flag to only run once and exit.


Start an interactive shell on the remote Etcha instance. See Shell Access for more information.


Test all patterns in path, optionally filtering for specific Command Parent IDs. See Testing Patterns for more information.