Pushing and Pulling Patterns

How to push and pull a simple Pattern.

In this tutorial, we’ll push and pull a Pattern using Etcha. Please follow all steps, even if you completed the last Tutorial.


  • Docker or Podman (we’ll use Docker here, but this should work with Podman, too)
  • Access to pull down Etcha from GitHub’s container registry (ghcr.io)
  • A text editor


Prepare Our Environment

  1. Open a local, empty directory in a shell like bash where we can read/write files and mount them into a container.
  2. Create a temporary bash alias for Etcha so we can use it:
alias etcha='docker run --network etcha -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -v $(pwd):/work -w /work ghcr.io/candiddev/etcha:latest'
  1. Initialize a new container network and directory with Etcha:
$ docker network create etcha
$ mkdir etcha
$ etcha init .

We need to use a custom network so our Etcha containers can communicate with each other.

  1. Lets write a new Pattern using a few of the Etcha libraries. Create a new file under patterns called run.jsonnet. Add in this content:
local n = import '../lib/etcha/native.libsonnet';

  run: [
      always: true,
      change: 'echo %s > /work/hostname' % n.getEnv('HOSTNAME', 'fallback'),
      id: 'write a file',
      onChange: [
        'copy file',
      remove: 'rm /work/hostname',
      change: 'cp /work/hostname /work/hostname2',
      id: 'copy file',
      remove: 'rm /work/hostname2',
  runExec: {
    command: '/bin/sh -c'

Running Etcha Listener

  1. Lets configure Etcha with a Source that allows pushes and has verifyKeys, and run Etcha in listen mode:
$ docker run -d --name etcha_listen \
    --network etcha -p 4000:4000 \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v $(pwd):/work -w /work \
    ghcr.io/candiddev/etcha:latest \
    -x run_systemMetricsSecret=secret \
    -x sources_listen='{
      "runExec": {
      "verifyKeys": [
    }' run

The container should’ve started listening:

$ docker logs etcha_listen
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:59" status=200 success=true  message="Starting source runner"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:56" status=500 success=false error="error reading JWT: error opening src: error opening src: open /work/etcha/listen.jwt: no such file or directory"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:166" status=200 success=true  message="Generating self-signed certificate for listener"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:184" status=200 success=true  message="Starting listener"

The errors at the beginning are normal, Etcha can’t find an existing JWT for our source. Etcha also generated a self-signed certificate for us to use.

  1. Lets make sure we can access the web interface by pulling some metrics:
$ curl -sk https://localhost:4000/etcha/v1/system/metrics?key=secret
# HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.
# TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 0.000104377
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 0.000104377
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.000104377
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000104377

We should see a bunch of metrics. Nothing interesting yet–we haven’t ran any commands.

Pushing a Pattern

  1. Lets push our run pattern to our instance:
$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    push -h localhost listen patterns/run.jsonnet
ERROR error performing request: Post "https://localhost:4000/etcha/v1/push/listen": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match localhost
    ERROR: error performing request: Post "https://localhost:4000/etcha/v1/push/listen": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match localhost

Etcha couldn’t verify the remote instance certificate. That’s OK, we can specify an additional argument to skip verification:

$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIE6dSkW4jnn3tx119BKw8+zOmhJyzTOsBlWcjqaHxMcX:ZcxoeWfSRt \
    -x httpClient_tlsSkipVerify=true push -h localhost listen patterns/run.jsonnet
    ERROR: push didn't match any sources

What happened? Well, we used the wrong signingKey–the remote Etcha instance couldn’t verify our push. Lets use the right one and try again:

$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    -x httpClient_tlsSkipVerify=true push -h localhost listen patterns/run.jsonnet
    Changed 2: write a file, copy file

That’s better. We successfully pushed our config! We can see the files hostname and hostname2 exists:

$ cat hostname
  1. Lets push a new Pattern, only this time we’ll remove the run commands and add a new one. Create a new file called pattern/newfile.jsonnet with this content:
local n = import '../lib/etcha/native.libsonnet';

  run: [
      change: 'echo %s > /work/newfile' % n.getEnv('HOSTNAME'),
      check: '[[ -e /work/newfile ]]',
      id: 'write a new file',
      remove: 'rm /work/newfile',
  runExec: {
    command: '/bin/sh -c'

Lets push the file:

 $ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    -x httpClient_tlsSkipVerify=true push -h localhost listen patterns/newfile.jsonnet
    Changed 1: write a new file
    Removed 2: copy file, write a file

This time, Etcha ran the remove commands from the two commands we removed, and then ran the change for write a new file. Sure enough, the old files hostname and hostname2 are gone, and only newfile remains:

$ ls
etcha  lib  newfile  patterns  README.md
  1. Lets push the same Pattern again. Since it has a check, it should result in no changes:
$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    -x httpClient_tlsSkipVerify=true push -h localhost listen patterns/newfile.jsonnet
    No changes

Pulling a Pattern

  1. Lets remove newfile, all of the files under Etcha, and stop our existing container:
$ rm newfile
$ rm etcha/*
$ docker rm -f etcha_listen
  1. Now we’re going to start a new container in pull mode. It will pull a JWT, listen.jwt, every 5 seconds:
$ docker run -d --name etcha_listen \
    --network etcha -p 4000:4000 \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v $(pwd):/work -w /work \
    ghcr.io/candiddev/etcha:latest \
    -x run_systemMetricsSecret=secret \
    -x sources_listen='{
      "runExec": {
      "pullPaths": [
      "verifyKeys": [
    }' run
$ docker logs etcha_listen
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:59" status=200 success=true  message="Starting source runner"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:56" status=500 success=false error="error reading JWT: error opening src: error opening src: open /work/etcha/listen.jwt: no such file or directory"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:166" status=200 success=true  message="Generating self-signed certificate for listener"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:184" status=200 success=true  message="Starting listener"
  1. Lets build listen.jwt from patterns/run.jsonnet:
$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIE6dSkW4jnn3tx119BKw8+zOmhJyzTOsBlWcjqaHxMcX:ZcxoeWfSRt \
    build patterns/run.jsonnet listen.jwt
  1. Lets see if it Etcha pulled the JWT:
$ docker logs -n 5 etcha_listen
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:73" status=500 success=false error="error parsing JWT for source listen: error verifying signature against message"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:77" status=500 success=false error="no valid targets for source listen"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:43" status=500 success=false error="error verifying signature against message"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:73" status=500 success=false error="error parsing JWT for source listen: error verifying signature against message"
level="ERROR" function="etcha/go/pattern/jwt.go:77" status=500 success=false error="no valid targets for source listen"

Turns out, we built the JWT with the wrong signature. Thankfully, Etcha couldn’t verify it and didn’t run it.

  1. Lets rebuild with the right key and see what happens:
$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    build patterns/run.jsonnet listen.jwt
$ docker logs -n 5 etcha_listen
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:97" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" message="Updating config for listen"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:95" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="write a file" commandMode="check" message="Always changed write a file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:129" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="write a file" commandMode="check" commandMode="change" message="Changed write a file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:97" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="copy file" commandMode="check" message="Triggered copy file via write a file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:129" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="copy file" commandMode="check" commandMode="change" message="Changed copy file

That’s better. And our hostname files reappeared:

$ ls
etcha  hostname  hostname2  lib  listen.jwt  patterns  README.md
  1. Lets build the other Pattrn, save the JWT to the same location, and observe the changes:
$ etcha -x build_signingKey=ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBq+BhDRYk8OJv1ksMwKtf0td5p3FGwypXq96gHKefGS:reqYEklgP4 \
    build patterns/newfile.jsonnet listen.jwt
$ docker logs -n 5 etcha_listen
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:63" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="copy file" commandMode="remove" message="Removed copy file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:63" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="write a file" commandMode="remove" message="Removed write a file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:129" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="copy file" commandMode="check" commandMode="change" message="Changed copy file"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/run/run.go:97" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" message="Updating config for listen"
level="INFO" function="etcha/go/commands/command.go:129" status=200 success=true sourceTrigger="pull" sourceName="listen" commandID="write a new file" commandMode="check" commandMode="change" message="Changed write a new file"

Just like with the push, Etcha diff’d the new Pattern, created newfile, and removed hostname and hostname2:

$ ls
etcha  lib  newfile  newfile.jwt  patterns  README.md
  1. Before we finish the tutorial, lets check out those metrics and see if anything interesting has shown up:
$ curl -sk https://localhost:4000/etcha/v1/system/metrics?key=secret | grep '^etcha'
etcha_commands_total{error="0",id="copy file",mode="remove",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="0",id="write a file",mode="remove",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="0",id="copy file",mode="change",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="1",id="copy file",mode="check",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="0",id="write a file",mode="change",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="1",id="write a file",mode="check",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="0",id="write a new file",mode="change",source="listen"} 1
etcha_commands_total{error="1",id="write a new file",mode="check",source="listen"} 1
etcha_sources_commands{mode="change",name="listen",trigger=""} 1
etcha_sources_commands{mode="remove",name="listen",trigger=""} 2
etcha_sources_total{error="0",name="listen",trigger=""} 2

Etcha surfaces metrics for all of the Pattern runs. We can se the number of times a command was called, whether it errored (which for check, means run change), and how many times a source was triggered.

  1. Remove the Etcha container and network:
$ docker rm etcha_listen
$ docker network rm etcha


We’ve successfully pushed and pulled two different Patterns and saw the changes. Next, we’ll trigger Patterns using Events and Webhooks.