
Reference documentation for Etcha’s cryptography

Etcha uses cryptographic signatures for signing JWTs. The cryptography for these signatures is provided using a cryptography wrapper to allow future proofing and swapping of cryptographic algorithms.

Generating Keys

Etcha can generate well formatted, best choice cryptographic keys using etcha gen-keys.

Verify Keys

Verify keys are used for verifying JWTs. In Etcha, these are either RSA, EC, or Ed25519 public keys, in PKIX DER form, standard base64 encoded, with the algorithm type prepended at the beginning and an optional key ID at the end.

An example public key Etcha understands is ed25519public:MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAwsXVnwaquPnF1J3oqhB1qFrBEAW+2FDkGYv7iqoPVHs=:lAASVe7woP.

Etcha understands these public key algorithm types:

  • ed25519public
  • ecp256public
  • rsa2048public

Sign Keys

Sign keys are used for signing JWTs. In Etcha, these are either RSA, EC, or Ed25519 private keys, in PKCS #8 DER form, standard base64 encoded, with the algorithm type prepended at the beginning and an optional key ID at the end.

An example private key Etcha understands is ed25519private:MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIH0r30uYYQVEFJJ7cG5fPLteuGUPb8qBH+vAOjZnnNGJ:lAASVe7woP.

Etcha understands these private key algorithm types:

  • ed25519private
  • ecp256private
  • rsa2048private