Reference documentation for Etcha JWTs

Etcha uses JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to package and sign Patterns and other metadata into configurations that can be pushed or pulled from Etcha instances.


A JWT is three base64 raw URL encoded strings joined with periods. It looks like this:


The three parts are:

  • Header, an object containing properties describing how the JWT was signed.
  • Payload, an object containing standard and custom properties.
  • Signature, a digital signature of the first two parts that can be cryptographically verified.

The header part of a JWT, also called a Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) header, is typically made up of two properties:

  • alg: specifies the cryptographic algorithm
  • typ: specifies the type of token, for a JWT this will be JWT.

An additional property, kid, may be specified to provide a hint for the cryptographic key ID used to sign the token.

An example header looks like this:

  "alg": "EdDSA",
  "typ": "JWT"

This JSON string is base64 raw URL encoded (no padding) into a header string:



The payload part of a JWT is an object containing both standard (“Registered”) and custom properties, called claims.

An example payload looks like this:

  "etchaBuildManifest": "build",
  "etchaPattern": {
    "entrypoint": "/main.jsonnet",
    "files": {
      "/main.jsonnet": "{\n\t\t\t\t\trun: [\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid: \"1\"\n\t\t\t\t\t]\n\t\t\t\t}"
  "etchaRunVars": {
    "hello": "world",
    "world": "hello"
  "etchaVersion": "v2023.10.02",
  "aud": "audience!",
  "exp": 1697071321,
  "iat": 1697071262,
  "iss": "issuer!",
  "nbf": 1697071262,
  "sub": "subject!"

This JSON string is base64 raw URL encoded (no padding) into a header string:


Registered JWT Claims

These are “standard” JWT claims present in most JWTs.


List of strings, typically used to indicate who the JWT was meant for. This is populated by the Pattern property audience.


Number, a unix timestamp indicating when the JWT expires. This is populated by the Pattern property expiresInSec.


String, typically used to indicate a unique ID for the JWT. This is populated by the Pattern property id.


Number, a unix timestamp of when the JWT was created. This is populated automatically during Pattern build and cannot be set.


String, typically used to indicate a domain or organization that issued the JWT. This is populated by the Pattern property issuer.


Number, a unix timestamp of when the JWT becomes valid. This is populated automatically during Pattern build to the same value as iat. Future Etcha releases may make this configurable.


String, typically used to indicate the subject or user for the JWT.

String, typically used to indicate a domain or organization that issued the JWT. This is populated by the Pattern property issuer.

Etcha Claims

Etcha adds the following claims to JWTs:


String, for Commands that produce the event buildManifest, the output of executing change is concated into this property. This property is primarily used for cache busting/forcing a JWT to be downloaded during a run diff, but it could contain useful data around secure supply chain or patch versions.


Object, containing the main Pattern file and any related imports. During build, Etcha will read in the Pattern path specified and gather all the imports. It will set the entrypoint property to the main Pattern file, and include all files and imports under files as key, values:

  "entrypoint": "main.jsonnet",
  "files": {
    "/func.libsonnet": "function(word)\n{check: \"echo %s\" % word, id: \"hello %s\" % word}",
    "/main.jsonnet": "local f = import \"./func.libsonnet\";\n{run: [f(\"world\")]}"

When this JWT is pulled or pushed, Etcha will render the Pattern specified in this object. The above Pattern would look like this after rendering:

  "run": [
      "check": "echo world",
      "id": "hello world"

A map of values that will be combined with Config > vars when the Pattern is rendered. These are exposed using the Jsonnet native function, getConfig.

See Patterns for more information.


String, the Etcha version used to build/sign the JWT. This can be ignored during diffs, otherwise a change in Etcha versioning will trigger a diff cycle.


The final part of the JWT is the signature. Given a string containing the base64 header and base64 payload, joined with a “.”, a signature is generated using a private key or a HMAC and base64 raw URL encoded. See Cryptography for more information on generating keys.


Etcha verifies the JWTs in a few ways:

  • It checks the signature using Config > run_verifyKeys. If a verify key cannot be found that matches the JWT, it does not accept the JWT (during either push or pull).
  • It validates the exp and nbf values to ensure the token has valid timestamps.

This verification process ensures the JWT can be trusted.

Custom Sign/Verify

Organizations wishing to provide more verification/signing capabilities can leverage custom Config > run_verifyCommands and Config > build_signCommands. See Building Patterns for more information.